---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDEditService в файле metadata.v, строка 2
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IInfoBaseService в файле metadata.v, строка 17
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDService в файле metadata.v, строка 28
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IConfigMngrUI в файле metadata.v, строка 37
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа ITypesInfoProvider в файле metadata.v, строка 71
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IDataProviderInfo в файле metadata.v, строка 77
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDObject в файле metadata.v, строка 86
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDContainer в файле metadata.v, строка 110
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDParentLink в файле metadata.v, строка 143
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDClass в файле metadata.v, строка 147
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IConfigMngr в файле metadata.v, строка 167
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IConfigMngrUIOwner в файле metadata.v, строка 191
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IInfoBase в файле metadata.v, строка 195
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDEditHelper в файле metadata.v, строка 223
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDBaseObj в файле metadata.v, строка 260
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа ILocalString в файле metadata.v, строка 283
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDEditModuleHelper в файле metadata.v, строка 288
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDTypedObj в файле metadata.v, строка 305
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа IMDExtObj в файле metadata.v, строка 311
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа MdOffsets в файле metadata.v, строка 316
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа MDProperty в файле metadata.v, строка 324
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа EventMetaDataKind в файле metadata.v, строка 341
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа FieldInfo в файле metadata.v, строка 350
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа MDEventInfo в файле metadata.v, строка 370
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа TypeInfo в файле metadata.v, строка 380
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа MDTreeItemInfo в файле metadata.v, строка 403
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'eventMetaData' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid eventMetaData' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа eventMetaData в файле metadata.v, строка 443
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'eventSaveModules' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid eventSaveModules' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа eventSaveModules в файле metadata.v, строка 444
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'mdClassCmnModule' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid mdClassCmnModule' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа mdClassCmnModule в файле metadata.v, строка 446
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'namePropUuid' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid namePropUuid' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа namePropUuid в файле metadata.v, строка 448
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'synmPropUuid' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid synmPropUuid' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа synmPropUuid в файле metadata.v, строка 450
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'descPropUuid' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid descPropUuid' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа descPropUuid в файле metadata.v, строка 452
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gModOfMgr' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gModOfMgr' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gModOfMgr в файле metadata.v, строка 454
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gModule' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gModule' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gModule в файле metadata.v, строка 456
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'formPropUuid' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid formPropUuid' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа formPropUuid в файле metadata.v, строка 458
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gcmIsGlobal' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gcmIsGlobal' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gcmIsGlobal в файле metadata.v, строка 460
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gcmClMngApp' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gcmClMngApp' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gcmClMngApp в файле metadata.v, строка 461
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gcmServer' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gcmServer' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gcmServer в файле metadata.v, строка 462
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gcmExtCon' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gcmExtCon' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gcmExtCon в файле metadata.v, строка 463
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gcmClStdApp' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gcmClStdApp' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gcmClStdApp в файле metadata.v, строка 464
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gcmCallSrv' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gcmCallSrv' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gcmCallSrv в файле metadata.v, строка 465
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gcmPriviged' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gcmPriviged' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gcmPriviged в файле metadata.v, строка 466
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gcmReuseRetVal' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gcmReuseRetVal' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gcmReuseRetVal в файле metadata.v, строка 467
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gMainRunMode' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gMainRunMode' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gMainRunMode в файле metadata.v, строка 469
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gModStdApp' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gModStdApp' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gModStdApp в файле metadata.v, строка 470
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gModMngApp' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gModMngApp' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gModMngApp в файле metadata.v, строка 471
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gModSeance' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gModSeance' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gModSeance в файле metadata.v, строка 472
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'gModExtCon' is a global property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalProperty' with 'const Guid gModExtCon' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации типа gModExtCon в файле metadata.v, строка 473
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_size' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_refs_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_id_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_nameEng_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_nameRus_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_i1_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_i2_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_resMod1_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_resID_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_resMod2_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_resCatID_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDProperty_pIType_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 12
Name conflict. 'ref' is an object property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectProperty' with 'MDPropertyRef' and 'MDProperty ref' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDPropertyRef' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDPropertyRef' and 'int opCmp(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDPropertyRef' and 'int opCmp(MDPropertyRef@)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDPropertyRef' and 'MDPropertyRef@ opAdd(uint)const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalFunction' with 'MDPropertyRef@ toMDProperty(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDProperty' and 'MDPropertyRef@ ref()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDProperty' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'FieldInfo_size' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'FieldInfo_name1_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'FieldInfo_name2_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'FieldInfo_description_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'FieldInfo_typeDomain_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'FieldInfo_readOnly_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 11
Name conflict. 'ref' is an object property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectProperty' with 'FieldInfoRef' and 'FieldInfo ref' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'FieldInfoRef' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'FieldInfoRef' and 'int opCmp(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'FieldInfoRef' and 'int opCmp(FieldInfoRef@)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'FieldInfoRef' and 'FieldInfoRef@ opAdd(uint)const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalFunction' with 'FieldInfoRef@ toFieldInfo(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'FieldInfo' and 'FieldInfoRef@ ref()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'FieldInfo' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDEventInfo_size' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDEventInfo_request_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDEventInfo_result_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDEventInfo_kind_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDEventInfo_object_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDEventInfo_parent_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDEventInfo_id_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDEventInfo_changedPropId_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 13
Name conflict. 'ref' is an object property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectProperty' with 'MDEventInfoRef' and 'MDEventInfo ref' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDEventInfoRef' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDEventInfoRef' and 'int opCmp(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDEventInfoRef' and 'int opCmp(MDEventInfoRef@)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDEventInfoRef' and 'MDEventInfoRef@ opAdd(uint)const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalFunction' with 'MDEventInfoRef@ toMDEventInfo(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDEventInfo' and 'MDEventInfoRef@ ref()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDEventInfo' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_size' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_typeId_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_name_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_priority_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_order_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_image_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_i1_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_compaundType_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_unMergeable_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'TypeInfo_str_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 10
Name conflict. 'ref' is an object property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectProperty' with 'TypeInfoRef' and 'TypeInfo ref' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'TypeInfoRef' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'TypeInfoRef' and 'int opCmp(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'TypeInfoRef' and 'int opCmp(TypeInfoRef@)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'TypeInfoRef' and 'TypeInfoRef@ opAdd(uint)const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalFunction' with 'TypeInfoRef@ toTypeInfo(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'TypeInfo' and 'TypeInfoRef@ ref()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'TypeInfo' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDTreeItemInfo_size' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDTreeItemInfo_id_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDTreeItemInfo_text_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDTreeItemInfo_editHelper_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'Sizes' and 'MDTreeItemInfo_image_offset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file Property, line: 1, col: 16
Name conflict. 'ref' is an object property.
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectProperty' with 'MDTreeItemInfoRef' and 'MDTreeItemInfo ref' (Code: asNAME_TAKEN, -9)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDTreeItemInfoRef' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDTreeItemInfoRef' and 'int opCmp(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDTreeItemInfoRef' and 'int opCmp(MDTreeItemInfoRef@)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDTreeItemInfoRef' and 'MDTreeItemInfoRef@ opAdd(uint)const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterGlobalFunction' with 'MDTreeItemInfoRef@ toMDTreeItemInfo(uint)' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDTreeItemInfo' and 'MDTreeItemInfoRef@ ref()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'MDTreeItemInfo' and 'uint get_self()const' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'IMDContainer' and 'IMDObject@ opImplCast()' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'IMDObject' and 'IMDContainer@ opCast()' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'IMDBaseObj' and 'IMDObject@ opImplCast()' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'IMDObject' and 'IMDBaseObj@ opCast()' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'IMDTypedObj' and 'IMDBaseObj@ opImplCast()' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterObjectMethod' with 'IMDBaseObj' and 'IMDTypedObj@ opCast()' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
AngelScript: file , line: 0, col: 0
Failed in call to function 'RegisterEnumValue' with 'MdOffsets' and 'MetaDataObjInEventRecipientOffset' (Code: asALREADY_REGISTERED, -13)
---------- Ошибка ----------
Ошибка при регистрации значения перечисления MetaDataObjInEventRecipientOffset в типе MdOffsets в файле metadata.v, строка 322